I was so busy writing the third chapter of Mastering Spring MVC 4, I did not take the time to write about chapter 2.

In this outstanding chapter you will learn the principles of the MVC Architecture. We will also be discussing good practices, the basis of Domain Driven Design and the trade-offs this kind of design imply on a Spring MVC architecture.

A good read on the subject is available on Petri Kainulainen’s blog.

You will then set up Spring Boot to work with Thyemleaf, the benefits of this good templating engine and how to leverage it effectively in your MVC application.

In 5 minutes, I will walk you through the process of registering your application on twitter and we will be designing a little but beautiful tweet search engine using Spring Social Twitter:



This will give us the opportunity to discuss the navigation in a web application, java 8 streams system, the Spring Expression Language, material design, web jars and much more!

At the end of the chapter you will have laid the foundations of the web application that we will deploy on the cloud later and that will make you rich and famous!

I hope you will find the content of this chapter interesting, let me know your thoughts in the comments!