Put this script in your path (e.g.,: ~/bin/blend-export
#!/usr/bin/env bash
DIR=$(dirname "$0")
blender "$1" --background -noaudio -P "$DIR/blender/"
This refers to a python script that you can put in ~/bin/blender/
import bpy
import os
filepath = os.path.basename(
basepath = os.path.splitext(filepath)
output_file_path = basepath[0] + ".gltf"
bpy.ops.export_scene.gltf(filepath=output_file_path, export_format="GLTF_EMBEDDED")
This is straight forward:
- The bash scripts open a blend file in blender, in the background, and directly executes a script
- The script uses the blender api to convert the current scene to gltf
Learn more here:
A neat trick: you can use the fake-bpy-module python module to get auto-completions in your editor.
On arch linux, you can find this in the AUR
Finally, I like to have this action in my context menu. I can even convert a bunch of blend files in on click.
To do this, go in the Edit > Configure custom actions
menu and add a new entry.
- Name: blend to gltf
- Command:
for file in %F; do /home/geo/bin/blend-export "$file"; done
Appearance condition
- File Pattern:
- Appears if selections contains: other files
You can find this in my dotfiles.